SI. No | Title | Authors |
1 |
Response of Alfalfa to Precision Fertigation in Saudi Arabia. In: John V. Stafford (ed.) Precision Agriculture - 13, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, p. 737-743 |
Al-Gaadi, K.A., V.C. Patil, R. Madugundu, S. Marey and E. Tola |
2 |
Watershed Management through Frontier technologie. In: K.A. Rasure (ed.) Development of Agriculture in the Era of Climate Change, 2012, Volume-2, Oxford Book Company, Jaipur, India, p.14. 174-186. |
Patil, V.C. |
3 | الإتجاهات الحديثة للإنتاج المستدام للمحاصيل الحقلية في البيئة الجافة | الاستاذ الدكتور/ ناصر بن عبد الحمن السحيباني - الاستاذ الدكتور/ صلاح السيد الهنداوي - الاستاذ الدكتور/ خالد بن علي القعدي - الدكتور/ الكامل حمد محمد تولا |
4 |
Remote sensing estimates of crop water use for improved irrigation water management. In: Precision Agriculture ‘21, John V. Stafford (ed.). Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, ASIN: B00EYV0H22, pp: 559 - 565. eISBN: 978-90-8686-916-9 | ISBN: 978-90-8686-363-1 |
Madugundu R., K.A. Al-Gaadi, E. Tola |
SI. No | Title | Translators |
1 |
Disk Seeding in Zero-till Farming Systems – A review of Technology and Paddock Issues.Western Australian No-Tillage Farmers' Association (WANTFA). Northam, Western Australia. ISBN 978-0-646-52876-2 |
Prof. Khalid A. Al-Gaadi, Prof. Abdulsattar A. Al-Rijabo and Dr. El-Kamil Tola |